I haven't had much to say in this space since our Sunflower, Micah, arrived. For the last five and a half weeks, my grief has pretty much been put on the shelf. This time has been about snuggles and breastfeeding, sleep and lack thereof. Being a mama, both to Ezra and to Micah, is most definitely the hardest job I've ever had...and these weeks have been some of the most amazing and challenging I've ever lived. Micah continues to bring us more joy than we knew was possible in our lives after losing Ezra. The grief does still appear from time to time as I know it always will. And so while there may be silence here for a bit, I'm still blog reading and nodding right along with you.
Here's some updated pics.
Repeat: Inauguration
8 hours ago
He's adorable. I completely understand your post and feel the same in my life right now. I look forward to more updates from you and seeing your sweet boy again.
Could he be any cuter? I don't think so! Micah sure looks like his dad.
Thanks for sharing that with us.
Still here too, thinking of you. Glad to get an update—and especially to see new pictures!
What beautiful pictures!! Happy to see an update from you. xx
Oh, he's delicious!! Glad to "hear" from you.
I've been missing you. Great to see Micah. He is adorable. Thinking about Ezra and you.
He is so cute! He looks so much like his daddy!
He's scrumptious(sp)!!!! All I could think of when I saw this pic was I wanted to grab him up and snuggle him:0)
Enjoy these moments. Treasure them. Savor every last second of his babyhood. It goes by so quickly, you won't believe it until it is behind you and you are chasing him down the street.
It's hard, this balancing act. Parenting the here and now and the should have been here's but aren't.
I think the best we can hope for is to do what feels right to us. But getting to that point, the feeling like what we are doing is right, that's the challenge.
But in the meantime, loving that you have this remarkable boy to spend your moments with. He's perfect.
Ooh he's a handsome boy!
Thinking of you all often.
He's so beautiful!!!!! Love him.
Thanks for sharing the update Sarah!
good to hear your voice sarah. and beautiful pictures.
and yes, what a difficult and important job- being ezra and micah's mommy.
sending you all lots of love
Thanks for the pics. Such a handsome little guy! Glad to hear you're taking time to enjoy.
What a cutie pie! XO
that cutie must be taking up all your blogging time!
the grief will always be with us, I am sure of that. Whether we need to express it/blog about it all the time is another issue.
Hey little cutie. Lovely to hear from you and glad you are doing well
what a cutie!
He's gorgeous. I can totally relate to your feelings.
Oh my God, what a gorgeous boy. So sweet to see his little face and huge eyes. Big hugs, sweetie. Love to you all.
How adorable!
oh he is SO cute... good to hear from you.
omg he is so cute! xo
I have a feeling one brings up the other, and vice versa. And, for better or worse, it will probably always be a bit bittersweet like that.
At least that's what I imagine.
What beautiful pictures of your son! It is so wonderful how he is able to brighten up your lives. It is such an important job - being a mommy to both Micah and Ezra.
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